What is truly important?

     Do we truly understand what is important in today's society? Do we know what is needed for us to excel in our relationships and make a better impact on our family lives? Something I noticed while studying and discussing matters this week was that no matter what others think, strong families are what makes this world function.

     To explain a little, we studied a lot about what has affected the family structure throughout time. One factor being declining fertility rate, another was the thought that there was a problem of over population. I never really thought that something like this would affect families so greatly! Some events leading up to a declining fertility rate included, the women's revolution, the sexual revolution, divorce revolution, and some inaccurate assumptions. I'd like to spend a moment to bring a few of these to attention.

     With the greater opportunity for women to now pursue careers in the 1960's, and the FDA's approval of the birth control pill in 1962, the structure of the family began to change. Something that was explained as well was that with the approval of birth control a few other views were changed as well. Peoples views on sex changed because they no longer felt that there was a need to worry about having children! Now with more women working and a greater need to focus on their career, children seemed like a hindrance to that and birth control was a way for sexual desires and needs to be met.

     The divorce revolution is still something that greatly affects future generations. With the closing of WWII, and the simplifying of the divorce process there was a huge increase in separations. As we know there is a pattern with divorce, children that have separated parents have a much higher chance to follow that same course and later on get divorced. The reason I say it still affects generations today is because of the ripple effect, many of those children that had their parents separate followed suit! Their children may do the same, so on and so forth.

     To me all of these things were a little bit of an eye opener. I never knew that at one point people were so scared of over population. I also never really knew about many of the revolutions and that fertility rate was much lower now than it was. I'm honestly a little surprised at myself because I always knew that people now were having less children but I never looked at the numbers and statistics. In a video we watched called the demographic winter there were some random street interviews done that I found interesting. A few people were asked different questions, one of the questions was along the lines of "Do you think that bigger families are relevant today?" The responses that were shown were all that there was no need and that one should focus more on improving ones self, or that there was more to be gained if families were smaller. The second question that was asked was "Are families important?" The response was obviously positive and that many of the people were who they are because of the things they learned in their homes.

     After watching these videos I was trying to figure out what they wanted to prove. I think that they were trying to show that there were still people that knew the value of having a family. However I wasn't sure what they wanted to achieve by showing the people who didn't think big families were relevant. I'm almost positive that if those same people were asked the question of "are families important?" they would have responded "yes". Over all what was learned was very informative and I think its very benefiting to think of these things now and see what we can do to improve our own families situations.



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