Love and Intimacy

This last week we spoke about marital intimacy and the benefits of knowing the differences in males and females views on intimacy. 

As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, we believe that sexual intimacy should be saved for your spouse only after marriage. 

God gave us the commandment to "multiply and replenish the earth." This has always been apart of Gods plan. Marital intimacy is a blessing and gift that we have been given to both bring us closer to our spouse, and to bring children into this world. The only problem is that Satan has distorted and warped the way the world views sexual intimacy and sexuality in general. 

As we discussed this topic, I was reminded of a message that was shared by Sister Nelson. The message is called "Love and Marriage." I would like to share 4 truths that she brings to attention, and discuss each one a little bit. 

"Truth #1: Truths about love and marriage are brought to you by the Holy Ghost from our Heavenly Father. He decreed marriage to be an irreplaceable component of His plan of happiness. The Spirit is the messenger of these truths. I urge you to seek to understand them." Our Heavenly Father wouldn't leave us in the dark if we wanted to know something about a topic as important as this. We spoke of how we can consult with our Heavenly Father no matter what it may be. We should pray to have a knowledge of how we can be sure the answer we are receiving is from the Spirit. Heavenly Father wont lead us astray when we are earnestly seeking his help, the only thing is that we have to have the intention to act on the council He gives us.  

"Truth #2: Personal purity is the key to true love. The more pure your thoughts and feelings, your words and actions, the greater your capacity to give and receive true love." To me its a given that the better your relationship is, the more love you will want to give to your spouse. When we do what we can to focus on the needs of our spouse and not our own we'll be able to feel better in every way in the relationship. It makes sense that the purer our thoughts and feelings, the more we will rely and feel secure around our spouse. 

"Truth #3: As an important part of the expression of their love, the Lord wants a husband and wife to partake of the wonders and joys of marital intimacy." I love this statement because like I had previously said, Satan has distorted the views people have today on marital intimacy. Today sex is viewed as something dirty in most cases. Not only that, but its also something that isn't discussed often. I have heard many people associate sex with shame. This is a marvelous gift we have been given! This is far from something that should bring shame, so long as it is within the bonds of marriage. Studies have shown that because of the different hormones and the way our bodies work that when we connect intimately we feel a closer attachment to that person. 

"Truth #4: For true marital intimacy, the Holy Ghost needs to be involved. It is simply not possible to have the kind of intimate experiences outside of marriage that you can have within because the Spirit will not be present." I want to share something else that she said because i think it sums this up and is perfect. "Elder Parley P. Pratt taught that the Holy Ghost has the ability to increase, enlarge, expand, and purify 'all the natural passions and affections.' " I love this because I know that when we are living the way that god wants us to he will bless us in every way possible. 


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